A Reflection on Francophone Immigration to Canada

November 7, 5:30 PM, University of Regina

As part of the very first national Francophone immigration week, the Centre canadien de recherche sur les francophonies en milieu minoritaire (CRFM) at the Institut français invites you to take part in a lecture and roundtable dealing with initiatives related to Francophone immigration to Canada and Saskatchewan in order to highlight the importance of developing a sustainable, inclusive Francophone minority community.

Date: November 7, 2013
Time: 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Place: Institut français, University of Regina, Rotonde LI-216


 “A Reflection on Francophone Immigration to Canada”

Chedly Belkhodja, Ph.D., Université de Moncton
Co-Principal Investigator (Atlantic group) of the “Pathways to Prosperity” immigration partnership
Director of the Atlantic Metropolis Centre (2006-2012)


A roundtable, organized in partnership with the Réseau en immigration francophone de la Saskatchewan, will follow the lecture. Facilitated by Laurie Carlson Berg, Ph.D., a professor and researcher at the University of Regina and an associate member of the CRFM, the roundtable is aimed primarily at exchanging thoughts on the realities of Francophone immigration to Saskatchewan and the integration of newcomers in a minority environment.

Roundtable participants:

  • Chedly Belkhodja, Ph.D., Université de Moncton
  • Alpha Sow, community development specialist
  • A representative of the government
  • A representative of the Réseau en immigration francophone de la Saskatchewan
  • A newcomer to Saskatchewan


For more information, please contact:

Institut français

Université de Regina
Tél: 306.585.4828


3737 wascana Parkway, Language Institute Building LI 216
S4S 0A2


Local Number: 306-585-4828

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