Daniel ROA

March 20, 8:00 PM, Carrefour Horizons

L'ACFR est heureuse de recevoir le Franco-Manitobain Daniel ROA, qui vous accueillera dans son univers musical fougueux, relevé de textes empreints d’intelligence, d’humour et de candeur. Son premier album Le nombril du monde remporta un Western Canadian Music Award – Album francophone de l’année 2009, ainsi qu’un prix Trille Or – Artiste de l’Ouest canadien par excellence 2011.

Bête de scène, Daniel ROA sait marier le groove, l’énergie et la joie avec le loufoque de sa poésie et l’intelligence de ses textes. ROA, c’est de la POP à texte dans toute son originalité et toute sa splendeur!

« Daniel ROA — un vent de fraîcheur dans la chanson à textes. Vous allez
adorer son spectacle; Daniel prend possession de la scène qu’il partage
généreusement avec d’excellents musiciens et le public. Un spectacle fait
des nouvelles chansons de son disque “Hyperbole” à paraître à l’automne.
J’allais dire vivement l’automne, mais ce serait une hyperbole. »
Daniel Mathieu // Le monde selon Mathieu - Radio-Canada


Dance and think…

With his first album, “Le nombril du monde” (2009), Daniel ROA took us on a foray into his spirited musical universe, seasoned with lyrics stamped with intelligence, humour, and candor. The album was rewarded with a Western Canadian Music Award – Album francophone in 2009, as well as a Trille Or Award – Artiste de l’Ouest canadien par excellence in 2011.

HYPERBOLE, his second album, is even more promising! For his new material, Daniel has created a manifesto based on two simple principles: Dance & Pense (Think) (also the title of the first song on the new CD). Dance stands for the groove, the ubiquitous energy and delight that explain Daniel’s great love affair with music and his dynamic presence on stage. Think is for the twinkle in his eye, the muse, the play on words, the wild side of poetry, and, of course, the obvious display of wit and intelligence in his clever lyrics. ROA is pure POP songwriting in all its originality and splendor!!!

In this search for lightness, Daniel ROA invites us to join him. He is well on his way, but the journey is far from over. HYPERBOLE promises to take us further and farther, in profound and beautiful ways.



1440, 9ème Avenue Nord
S4R 8B1


Local Number: 306 566-6020