Welcome to exploreregina.com

September 2, Various Venues

Take a tour through the exploreregina.com site to experience everything that Regina has to offer.

Click on "Home" or "Events" to see what is happening daily.

Register to setup your own personal dashboard.Sign in each time you go to exploreregina.com to display the events that interest you the most.

Exploreregina.com will email you regularly to let you know about recently entered events which interest you the most.

Check out the businesses and organizations under "Thing To Do", "Accommodation", "Plan Your Trip", "Neighbourhoods" and explore today's "Deals"

If you have an event to be placed on the site email the information to bob@exploreregina.com. We can also setup your own entry account.

Visit exploreregina.com to plan your ongoing Regina activities..

Please contact bob@exploreregina.com with any questions and concerns.

Have a great Regina day.

