Sherwood Co-op

Sherwood Co-op has 2 grocery centres, a home centre, 7 gas bars/convenience stores, 6 car washes. These facilities are located in Regina. Sherwood Co-op also has a facility at Indian Head which includes a lumber yard, hardware store as well as a gas bar.

Local members participate in the earnings of the Co-op. Last year, over $2.0 million in cash was returned to members based on their purchases.

The Sherwood Co-op Home Centre is your one stop shop for all your home and garden projects. From small renovations to major construction, we have what you need to complete your project and stay on budget. We invite you to consider the Sherwood Co-op for your next project and know you will be happy with the value we provide.

615 Winnipeg Street

Local Number: 306-791-9364